Eaten Good

Japanese Chicken Katsu Curry Recipe

Japanese Chicken Katsu Curry Recipe
  • Prep Time
    10 mins
  • Cook Time
    30 mins
  • Serving
  • Ready In
    40 mins

Did you know that the famous dish, Japanese chicken katsu curry recipe, came from the fusion of Western food and Japanese tradition? Yes! This fusion of different culinary cultures not only makes the taste of this dish so unique but also tells the history of this rich recipe. 

In Japanese, chicken cutlets are known as “katsu.” This delicious food is generally served with rice and savory curry sauce. As I’m an international student studying abroad, I always get a chance to meet people from different cultures. And this is kind of an advantage for me as a foodie. Because in 2 years, I’ve tasted and learned several recipes around the world.

Luckily last year, one of my classmates introduced me to a chicken katsu curry recipe. From then on, I just got addicted to it. It’s easy to cook, and the way the chickens in this recipe are cooked will make your tongue water.

So, if you want to know how you can make it easily, then follow the easy steps bellow, and make the finest chicken katsu curry in easy ways to please your taste buds. 

Ingredients Ingredients of Chicken Katsu Curry Recipe

So, before we start cooking, let’s gather the following ingredients for each step: 

For the Crispy Chicken Katsu: 

  • Around ½ – inch thick skinless and boneless chicken breasts. 
  • ½  cup of plain flour.
  • 2 lightly beaten eggs. 
  • 2 cups panko breadcrumbs.
  • 3-4 cups of Vegetable oil.

For the Japanese Curry Sauce:

  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • 1 medium onion, diced.
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced.
  • 1 tablespoon grated ginger. 
  • 1 tablespoon curry powder. 
  • 1 tablespoon ground turmeric. (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon plain flour.
  • 4 cups chicken stock.
  • 1 cup Japanese soy sauce.
  • 1 cup Japanese curry roux
  • 1 tablespoon honey or brown sugar
  • Salt and ground black pepper.

For Serving:

  • 4 cups cooked white rice. 


What if you don’t have all the ingredients at home? Don’t worry. Let me give you the substitutions that you can use instead of the mentioned ingredients. 

Chicken katsu curry recipes can be made with many other ingredients. How? Because when you’re usingthe subtitutions it doesn’t clash with other non-traditional ingredients. 

So, what can you use as substitutions? Check out the below substitutions and get your job done for cooking your chicken katsu curry: 

1. Gluten-free

You can swap the plain flour for almond flour. Because almond flour is totally gluten-free. Also, you can use gluten-free panko breadcrumbs. It will add crispyness to the chicken pieces.

2. Vegetarian Curry

If you want to make vegetarian curry go for tofu cubes, chickpeas, or vegetable broth instead of chicken stock. And the best part of these veggies is they are a good source of protein.

3. No Roux? 

If you don’t have a roux at home, you can use a pre-made roux instead. By using the listed spices you can make your curry sauce from scratch easily. Besides you can add veggies like carrots and simmer the stock to have a different taste.

How to Make Chicken Katsu Curry: Easy Instructions 

Delicious Chicken Katsu with Salads.1.Prepare Chicken:Chicken Breasts Warped in the Plastic Warp

First, you’ll have to flatten the chicken breasts to cook it evenly. To do that perfectly put the chicken breasts between two sheets of plastic wrap. Then, use a meat mallet or rolling pin to gently pound them until you get about ½ inch thickness.

When you’re done with rolling, season the chicken pieces with salt, pepper, and a sprinkle of paprika on both sides of the pounded chicken. 

Seasoning Tips:Raw Chicken Breast Seasoning

  • Chefs often use smoked paprika in the chicken pieces to add a next level of flavor. You can add a little amount of lemon juice, too. I have tried this. Trust me, it really makes a big difference in the recipe. 

2. Coat the Chicken Breasts: Coating chicken with Egg Wash and

In this step, first, you’ll need to get three bowls. Then, fill the bowls, one with plain flour, another with beaten egg, and the last bowl with panko breadcrumbs. After that, take the chicken pieces one by one and coat them with flour, then dip them in the beaten egg. Done? Now, finish the process by coating the chicken breasts in panko breadcrumbs.

Coating Tricks:

  • Shake off the chicken pieces to let go of excess flour.
  • After dipping the egg, hold the pieces for a while to drip off the excess egg wash.
  •  Add a splash of water to the beaten egg to have a smoother thickness.

3. Cook Chicken Katsu:Cook Chicken Katsu

You can cook the chicken katsu in two different ways. The first one is you can fry the chicken breasts and the second one is you can bake them. And now we are gonna learn both of them. 

Fry: Frying Chicken

For frying the chicken breast, heat up your heavy-bottomed pan with approximately ½ inch of vegetable oil. You have to keep the temperature around 350°F. And don’t let the oil smoke. 

Then add the chicken breasts one at a time and fry for 3-4 minutes per side or until they turn golden brown. Done? Now, let the chicken katsu drain the extra oil on a paper towel. 

Frying Tips: 

  • Use a meat thermometer. It will help you ensure that the chicken breasts are cooked perfectly to hold the juiciness. 
  • Fry at 165°F to get the best result. 

Bake: Oven baked chicken

Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C) and lightly grease the baking sheet with an oil brush. After that, put the chickens on that baking sheet and bake it for 20-25 minutes until they turn golden brown. Once you get the color, the baking is done.

Baking Tips: 

  • Flip the chickens in halfway through the baking process to cook evenly.

4. Make Katsu Curry Sauce:

You can use store-bought Japanese curry roux. But my personal favorite is homemade curry sauce. Because when I’m making it at home, I can customize the curr sauce as I want. So, want to know how to make it? 

Here’s the process of making the katsu curry sauce from scratch: 

  • First, take a saucepan and heat a tbsp of vegetable oil on medium heat. 
  • Add 1 medium diced onion and cook until it gets softened. 
  • Then, pour the minced garlic and cook for one more minute.
  • Now, you have to add curry powder and cook for a minute. If you smell some good smell, then it’s done.
  • Pour in chicken stock and let it sit for 10 minutes. 
  • Add soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce and 1 tablespoon of honey or brown sugar. And simmer for another 5 minutes. 
  • Check out the sauce. If it thickens slightly then your katsu curry sauce is ready.  

5. Serving the Dish: Nicely Served Katsu Curry

Put some rice on a plate and add the crispy chicken katsu on top of it. Then, pour the warm, delicious curry sauce over the chicken and rice. Now, dear foodies enjoy both the crunchiness and juiciness in every bite.

6. Some Delicious Pair: 

  1. Add pickled vegetables.
  2. Side salads like shredded carrots, cucumbers, or other vegetables complement the dish the most. 
  3. Miso soup, which is a tarditational Japanese side dish. It really goes with the curry without taking over the original taste. 
  4. You can use fried rice instead of plain rice with stir-fried vegetables for more protein and fiber.

Tips and Tricks: Bring the Authentic Flavor of Chicken Katsu Curry

  • If you want to fry the chickens evenly you’ll need to pick a shallow pan that has a heavy bottom. Actually shallow pans help to maintain the heat as per your need. So, By using these types of pans, you can cook the best chicken katsu ever. 
  • You can bring an extra flavor texture to your curry sauce. To do that, just add some chopped vegetables like carrots or potatoes
  • Bringing authentic flavor is so easy in this recipe. Just squeeze some fresh lemon juice or a drizzle of tonkatsu sauce to your curry sauce and feel the magic.
  • You can use Japanese pickles like fukujinzuke to cleanse your plate. It’ll bring a refreshing taste to your meal. 

Nutritional Benefits of Chicken Katsu Curry 



Daily Value 













Saturated Fat












History of Chicken Katsu Curry Katsu with Rice

The History of chicken katsu curry is not an ordinary one. So, some believe that the idea of this dish first arrived in Japan during the Meiji Restoration in 1868-1912. 

British Navy also used a similar dish to feed sailors on long voyages. And this is where the theory says Japanese chefs luckily adopted this idea and made a fusion with their “yōshoku” tradition. 

This is not the end. Another theory credits some specific restaurants in Tokyo vying. But whatever the theory and history say, all I know is I’m just in love with this food. 


Q1. What is Chicken Katsu Curry? 

A: Chicken Katsu Curry is a Japanese dish made of crispy fried chicken. It is served with a tasty curry sauce, rice, and sometimes veggies.   

Q2. Why This Recipe?

A: This recipe is easy to make at home. And it really tastes out of the world and can make your tummy happy for a long time.

Q3. Is Katsu originally Japanese?

A: Yes, it is! This Japanese dish is very popular among Japanese people. Nowadays, this recipe is building noticeable hype worldwide through its crispy texture and mouthwatering flavor. 

Final Thoughts

So, this is for today. I hope you’ve enjoyed the recipe. And why not? It’s freaking easy to cook. Yeah, it’s high time to start preparing this luscious dish to give yourself an unforgettable treat. 

Now, let’s go to the kitchen and just follow these simple steps to get surprised by the result. 

And if you have any more questions about this recipe, please leave a comment. I’ll try my best to help you out. Adios foodie!

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